Thursday, September 13, 2007

1. Why I came to Moraine Valley

Mun, Sukho
Assignment 1

Why I came to Moraine Valley

Hello, my name is Mun Sukho. I came to Chicago about 2 weeks ago and have a relative who lives in Alsip. The relative is my father’s younger sister. She lives with her husband, mother, and daughter who ocassionally returns home from a University. I’m going to stay in her house for one year.

There are three reasons I chose Moraine Valley Community College. The First factor was the quality of education. The second consideration was classes that are relative to my major. Finally, I considered location.[문석호1]

I first heard about Moraine Valley Community College from my relative’s younger sister. She told me that Moraine Valley Community College is school for their local citizens and is also known as [문석호2] a school providing high quality education.

My major was computer science in Korea, so my goal is to become one of the best professional Networkers to manipulate[문석호3] communication devices.Before I came here, I had searched for a University that has network programs. Instead, I found that Moraine Valley Community College is close to my house in the USA and has many proper programs for me.This is why I chose Moraine Valley Community College.

[문석호1]How do I express order of the time

[문석호2]Is this idiomatic right?

[문석호3]When I do this cituation, Can I use the plural?